
User Management

Manage the individuals who can access your instance by defining them as users in the system. Create user groups, and assign users to them. Use roles to specify what different users and user groups can see and do.

A User Group is a set of users who share a common purpose. Members of groups can be users who work in the same unit or require the same training or they may be part of a particular class. By default, all usres are assigned to at least one group.

Manage User Roles

Roles control access to features and capabilities in applications and modules. The admin role provides access to all features and capabilities. You can add a user to your instance to allow them to log in and use the features. Roles include additional Administrators, or Instructors, and Learners. Instructors can be assigned to a particular User Group.

Quickly Edit User Data

Admins can quickly set up different user types by modifying the user groups that users belong to and the settings of those groups. They can also view and modify existing individual user profiles and and manage all assignments and permissions from this screen.